
Canada to end ISIL air strikes

Canada is to end its participation in air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group in Syria and Iraq within two weeks, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced Following up on campaign promises he made last year to withdraw Canada’s jets, Trudeau said on Monday[…]

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Two trains collide in Germany

Police say at least four people have been killed and more than 100 have been injured in an early-morning train crash in southern Germany. The two trains collided near the town of Bad Aibling, in Bavaria, around 7am local time on Tuesday. A spokeswoman for police in Upper Bavaria confirmed[…]

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5.7 magnitude earthquake felt in New Zealand

New Zealand’s capital city Wellington was rocked by 5.7 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday, according to the country’s earthquake monitoring service. The quake’s epicenter was 35 km (22 miles) southeast of St Arnaud, a small town in the north of the country’s South Island, at a depth of 62 km (13[…]

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District 6 Phase 3 reduced

The development is also nearly two years behind schedule, and which beneficiaries will occupy the flats has yet to be decided. Claimants have been waiting almost two decades for restitution but the redevelopment has been beset by delays. This Thursday marks the 50-year commemoration of District Six being declared a[…]

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Safety fears mount after new UCT attack

A 22-year-old University of Cape Town student was held up at gunpoint near the medical campus on Monday in the latest in a string of attacks which has rocked the student community and surrounding areas in recent weeks. Sebastian Scheidereiter said he felt lucky to be alive after two men[…]

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EU calls on Israel to stop home demolitions

The European Union (EU) made a statement calling on Israel to stop the demolition of Palestinian houses on Saturday, reiterating its opposition to Israeli settlement expansion in occupied Palestinian territories. “In the past weeks there have been a number of developments in Area C of the West Bank, which risk[…]

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Russia in ‘daily cluster bomb attacks’ in Syria

Russian air strikes have been blamed for killing at least 1,000 civilians since September last year. Over the past two weeks, Syrian government and Russian military forces have carried out daily air strikes using internationally banned cluster bombs in opposition-held areas across Syria, killing dozens of civilians, according to Human Rights[…]

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Syrian family have valid case: attorney

Home Affairs South Africa have rejected the asylum application of a Syrian family claiming that there is no war in the Damascus area and that the country is stable enough to return to. The year 2016 saw the conflict enter its 6th year of civil war. Hundreds of thousands of[…]

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‘Madiba would’ve been proud’

Cape Town has been buzzing with interest in the news that Mandla Mandela wed Rabia Clarke in an Islamic ceremony over the weekend. Mandla is the grandson of anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela. Speaking to VOC on Monday, Shaykh Ebrahim Gabriels, who performed the nikah, said it was a momentous occasion.[…]

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#GangsterismMustfall march against gang violence

Concerned citizens marched against the prevalence of gang violence within the Western Cape on Saturday. In walking through the Klipfontein corridors, an area riddled with gang violence, the initiative sparked awareness within the Cape Town community that  gangesterism will no longer be tolerated. The march that was organised by the[…]

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