
Emergency measures in place for water crisis

The City of Cape Town said on Monday disaster planning was underway to ensure measures were in place for the possibility of an extended drought. “[We] continue planning for the implementation of contingency and emergency measures in conjunction with the National Department of Water and Sanitation,” MMC for water and[…]

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Gordhan to appear before Scopa over Sassa crisis

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan will appear before Parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) on Tuesday to clear up Treasury’s stance on the social grants crisis. Committee chairperson Themba Godi said last week the meeting would help the committee understand Treasury’s reservations on the proposed new contract with current grants[…]

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Gift of the Givers assisting Imizamo fire victims

Residents from Imizamo Yethu informal settlement will have to rebuild their lives from scratch after a massive fire wreaked havoc in Hout Bay this weekend. Three people died in the blaze, which burnt 3500 structures to the ground. 15 000 residents have been left displaced and will be provided alternative[…]

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CPF calls off search of missing Lavender Hill girl

The Community Police Forum (CPF) in Steenberg has called off a search for a missing teenager from Lavender Hill, after “exhausting all areas” this weekend. Réne Tracey Roman, 13 years old, was last seen by her friend in Lavender Hill on Friday at 13.45pm. It’s uncertain what circumstances may have[…]

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