
Will MPs vote by their conscience?

By Yaseen Kippie Whether or not a secret ballot in the vote of no confidence goes ahead against President Jacob Zuma, the key question now is whether ANC MP’s will vote with their party, or will they be guided by their conscience. These were among the myriad of questions at[…]

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Organisations to appeal child identity ruling

By Zaakiyah Gabier The High Court in Pretoria dismissed an application yesterday to the naming of child victims, witnesses and offenders after they turn 18. The case was initially brought forward by lawyers of Zephany Nurse and later supported by the Centre for Child Law (CCL), Childline, Nicro and Media[…]

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SA businesses get tongue-lashing over corruption

A group of business leaders have condemned the silent voices of businesses when the country’s leadership is perceived to be failing its people, especially the poor. The panelists, who were speaking at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) seminar in Johannesburg, say big business is failing by being in[…]

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MJC calls for calm, as it mediates on masjid dispute

Following Sunday’s meeting at Masjid Ghiedmatil Islam, which was called for by the masjid’s Interim Shurah Council (ISC), it seems that attempts to mediate between the board of trustees  [the Rondebosch East Islamic Community Trust (REICT)] and the imam of the masjid, Shaykh Nazeem Taliep may in fact be leading[…]

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