
Magnitude-8.1 earthquake hits southern Mexico

A magnitude-8.1 earthquake has struck off the southern coast of Mexico, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, shaking buildings in the capital city and killing at least three people, officials said. The earthquake, the strongest to hit Mexico since 1985, struck late on Thursday and people in Mexico City ran[…]

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Collateral damage resulting from the Gulf crisis

The Gulf is no longer a single nation after the recent crisis between the states and their communities. This crisis has done away with the ties of brotherhood, history and blood, after transitioning from a political to a social crisis, going even deeper and wider in its targets and effects.[…]

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Sh Abdullah Deedat passes away

Twelve years after the passing of the esteemed Shaykh Ahmed Deedat, on Thursday the Muslim community bid farewell to the shaykh’s brother, Abdullah, a respected scholar in his own right. Speaking to VOC News, Shaykh Ahmed Deedat’s son, Yousuf, explained that while the news of the passing of his uncle[…]

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Deadly Irma pounds Caribbean, takes aim for Florida

Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful Atlantic storms in a century, killed eight people and plunged Puerto Rico into darkness on Thursday as it swept through Caribbean islands while aiming for Florida. The dead were reported on four islands. Weather forecasters have described Irma as a “potentially catastrophic” Category[…]

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