From the news desk

US Muslims speak out after Texas shooting

Following Sunday’s controversial anti-Muslim cartoon drawing of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, resulting in the shooting deaths of two gunmen killed by police officers, American Muslim leaders reasserted their position that anti-Muslim advocate Pamela Gellar is free to draw whatever she wants. “We cannot fight free speech,[…]

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LRC taking government to court

Following an ultimatum calling for the South African government to provide answers on the imprisonment of the Shaykh Abdu Salaam Bassiouni, the Legal Resources Cen¬tre (LRC) is now pursuing legal action on behalf of the Bassiouni family. The family feel aggrieved by the government’s efforts, alleging that the Department of[…]

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GOTG patients taken to Turkey

Patients at a Gift of the Givers run hospital in Darkoush in northern Syria will be relocated to Turkey, following an airstrike on Monday. Medical staff and patients were jolted by the missile, which was fired 300 metres away from the Ar Rahma Hospital. While there were no injuries or[…]

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Lauren Hill cancels Israeli gig

US Grammy-winning rapper and R&B singer Lauryn Hill has canceled her upcoming Israeli gig following calls by the global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and her fans and supporters. The former lead vocalist of The Fugees made the announcement via her official Facebook page. Several Israeli Jews were part[…]

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Coalition mulls Yemen humanitarian pause

Saudi Arabia is considering temporary halts in coalition air strikes against Houthi fighters in Yemen to allow for aid deliveries, the kingdom’s foreign minister has said. Adel al-Jubeir’s announcement came as clashes raged in southern Yemen between the Houthis and fighters allied with exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, killing at[…]

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Ethiopians in Israel decry institutional racism

Fed up with being treated as second-class citizens for decades, Israel’s Ethiopian Jews are warning they will no longer stand idly by in the face of institutionalized racism. In the mainly Ethiopian-Jewish area of central town Ramle, there is no sign of the anger that has fueled clashes between protesters[…]

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SA-run hospital in Syria hit in airstrike

A hospital in Syria run by South African charity, Gift of the Givers, has been bombed in an airstrike, it was reported on Tuesday. Government warplanes reportedly fired a missile into the field hospital, said website Shaam News Network. Gift of the Givers’ Fekri Shaban told eNCA that the organisation[…]

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Maimane, James differ on rights issues

The top two candidates for the position of DA leader, Mmusi Maimane and Wilmot James, expressed differing opinions on certain pertinent rights issues during a televised debate on Monday night. A section of the 30-minute debate, which aired on kykNet, was spent discussing their stances on the death penalty, the[…]

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