From the news desk

Bin Laden’s Death met with Surprise and Cynicism

President Barack Obama’s announcement that the US’s most-maligned figure, Usama bin Laden, had been killed in a covert operation 50 kms north of the Pakistani Capital, Islamabad, has caused surprise and cynicism in the Muslim world. There are many Muslims, in capitals such as Cairo and Tunis, who regard it[…]

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Halal Certification, the Industry of Doubt

THE “Halalisation” of our consumer space continues unabated. In previous articles on this topic I’ve discussed Halal toothpicks and Halal water, both legal anomalies guaranteed to make classical Islamic scholars roll in their graves. My recent discovery in a local supermarket that milk and yoghurt have now been certified Halal,[…]

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Arab Uprisings: The Clash of Civilisation Myth Falls

THE grand myth of the “Clash of Civilisations”, the clarion call of neo-cons and fundamentalists everywhere, has fallen. It fell during the Arab uprisings earlier this year when tyrants such as Ben Ali and Mubarak were toppled, and the bloodthirsty rule of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi overturned. The neo-con mantra that[…]

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I HAVE NEVER visited Bethlehem during normal times. I have never seen the city crowded with tourists. In fact, I have probably seen more Israeli soldiers at its checkpoints than pilgrims in Manger Square. My first visit was in 1997, just after Israel had sealed off the West Bank and[…]

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The Libyan Diaries – Day One: A Journey Begins THE SUN sets in Giza as we drive out of Cairo, a Cairo that has changed after the 18-day uprising that unseated President Hosni Mubarak, ruler supreme for over 30 years. “There’s a nur (a light) here in Egypt now,” says[…]

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Shaikh ‘Abd ul-‘Aziz Bukhari

THE streets of Old Jerusalem are labyrinthine. Their cobbled lanes hark back to an age when donkey-carts had right of way. Today, Israeli soldiers in olive-green fatigues patrol the Old City’s tangled shadows. And as quaint and peaceful as they may seem, and as normal as life may appear on[…]

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Gadaffi Burning the House Down

MY visit to Libya in the late 1990’s was as Kafka-esque as the life and times of its then Brother Leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. It was in the era of the Lockerbie bombing sanctions, and getting to Libya was no camel ride. I’d been invited to attend a media conference[…]

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State of the Nation: South Africa and Egypt

IT has been many years since I last attended the State of the Nation address at Parliament. It was my first 7 pm session, and on this sultry February afternoon as I arrived for media accreditation, the usual blustery Cape Doctor had backed off from blowing everything away. As the[…]

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THE poor will be the people of Paradise. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who was born poverty-stricken – and who lived a life of poverty out of choice – made a prayer that he would be raised amongst the poor on Resurrection Day. Of course, Islam has never scorned honourably earned[…]

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