
Sports Hub takes prize

VOC has drawn the curtains on its two year old sports programme Sports Live to introduce a brand-new show, now called ‘Sports Hub’.  The show underwent a name change on Friday evening, as VOC sports fans inundated the SMS line with a myriad of name suggestions. In total, VOC received[…]

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SA commemorates '76 uprising

South Africa is set to mark the 38th anniversary of the 1976 Soweto student uprisings amidst ongoing questions about the quality of education in the country.On the eve of Youth Day, a Soweto NGO said that schooling in the area was falling into a state of crisis again.“Our schooling environment[…]

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The pressure’s on for Zuma

With President Jacob Zuma set to deliver his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) of 2014 on Tuesday evening, political analyst Andre Duvenhage has predicted the focus point of the address will be on economic and social transformation. SONA is likely to be overshadowed by concerns over Zuma’s health,[…]

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Power grid stable: Eskom

The power grid was stable as the country moved into the long weekend, Eskom said on Saturday.“The grid is stable, with ample generation capacity for the long weekend,” spokesman Andrew Etzinger said in a text message to Sapa.On Friday, Etzinger said deliberate power cuts became necessary on Thursday evening due[…]

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Meeting for D6 late claimants

The District Six Working Committee (D6WC) has announced a combined mass feedback meeting and high tea, to be held on Youth Day on the 16th June. The meeting will see the D6WC report back to claimants on developments of a mass meeting that took place on the 18th May, at[…]

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Businesses soft targets

The business community in the broader Athlone, Lansdowne and Rondebosch areas fear they have become easy targets for criminals. This concern follows after three attacks on businesses and owners in the last week. On Saturday, the wife of the owner of Jimmy’s Service Station was shot and killed in an[…]

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Elderly face untold abuse

The plight of the elderly will be on the national agenda on Sunday, as people from around the globe mark World Elder Abuse awareness day. Launched In 2006 as a campaign to raise awareness to the ill treatment of the elderly, the day is observed in countries ranging from the[…]

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Prof Karim gets doctorate

World renowned Kwazulu Natal-based professor Prof. Salim Abdool Karim was awarded with an honorary doctorate in medicine by the University of Cape Town (UCT) on Thursday. Karim was honoured for his ground-breaking research over the last 30 years, in the fight against HIV. He was conferred alongside theoretical physicist Dr[…]

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Crowbar gang strikes

A syndicate widely known as the ‘Crowbar Gang’ targeted a business on Friday morning, this time in Crawford, Athlone. Popular eatery The Lounge in Kromboom road was broken into at 6.30am, allegedly by four men.  Footage from CCTV cameras show the suspects confronting a cleaner who was mopping the floor[…]

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Peace prayer in Manenberg

Imams and clerics from other faiths are hoping prayer will unite the Manenberg community to cope with  gang violence. Members from the Western Cape Religious Leaders Forum (WCRLF) will be hosting an interfaith prayer for peace on Sunday, 15 June 2014. Manenberg is known for its notorious gang activity and[…]

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