
Saudi Arabia, Iran, others react to US strike in Syria

The United States had fired nearly 60 Tomahawk missiles at a military airfield in Syria, the first direct military action Washington has taken against Syrian government forces in the six-year-old conflict. The US said the missiles on Friday severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at[…]

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US launches cruise missiles on Syrian airbase

The United States on Friday fired dozens of cruise missiles at a government-controlled airbase in Syria, in retaliation for a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town that killed scores of civilians. The Pentagon said 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from two warships in the Mediterranean at the[…]

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US launches strikes on Syrian regime targets

US President Donald Trump said on Thursday he ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airfield from which a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched, declaring he acted in America’s “vital national security interest” against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Sharply escalating the US military role in Syria, two US warships fired[…]

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Cape Town, anti-Zuma march prompts road closures

Thousands of people are expected to join a march to Parliament in Cape Town on Friday to call on President Jacob Zuma to step down. Calls from civil society are mounting for the President to resign. The march, taking place under the auspices of Voices to Save SA, will start[…]

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SA in dock for failing to arrest Sudan’s Bashir

South Africa will on Friday seek to defend its failure to arrest visiting Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir who is wanted on charges of genocide, at an unprecedented hearing before international war crimes judges. It will be a humbling moment for Pretoria, one of the leading voices in the creation of[…]

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Defenders of Luthuli House out in their numbers

A group of ANC supporters have gathered at the party’s headquarters in central Johannesburg on Friday morning. Umkhonto We Sizwe veterans and ANC Youth League members vowed to defend Luthuli House, amid a number of protesters against President Jacob Zuma. A number of buses filled with supporters and a massive[…]

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MJC urges ANC to tackle “internal strife”

The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) says it’s deeply concerned about the impact of the current political developments in the country. Amid vociferous calls by religious leaders and civil society for President Jacob Zuma to resign, the MJC said the current political turmoil is unprecedented in the country’s history. In its[…]

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