
‘ISIS training camp’ in Libya targeted by US

US warplanes have carried out air strikes targeting fighters aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Libya, killing dozens of people, possibly including a senior leader of the armed group. US military sources told AFP news agency the operation hit an ISIL training camp early[…]

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Serbia closes Macedonia border to unregistered refugees

Serbia has closed its border with Macedonia to unregistered refugees, imposing stricter border controls for the purpose of preventing illegal migration, local state TV reported citing officials. The Serbian border with Macedonia has been closed to refugees who have not been registered at the Greek-Macedonia border in accordance with the[…]

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Racism being disguised as freedom of speech – ANC

It was deeply concerning that after 22 years of democracy, a few South Africans are still defending or justifying racism, the ruling ANC has said in a memorandum to government. The party said on Friday that the country had recently “witnessed the resurgence of incidents of racism, often disguised as[…]

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14 arrested for violating Wits interdict

Fourteen people have been arrested for violating a court interdict that the University of Witwatersrand obtained earlier this year, the institution said on Friday. Some of the individuals were not students, spokesperson Shirona Patel said. They were currently being held at the Hillbrow Police Station. “The safety and security of[…]

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Woman to get R800k for manhole fall

A 58-year-old woman from Despatch near Port Elizabeth will be paid more than R800 000 in damages from the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality after she was seriously injured in March 2013 when she fell into a manhole. An order was made in the Port Elizabeth High court on Friday after[…]

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“Insane” reality for Syrians

Humanitarian aid has reached the besieged area of Yarmouk in Syria. At least 100 trucks filled with supplies rolled out of the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Wednesday afternoon. The United Nations confirmed that a task force seeking humanitarian access throughout the conflict-torn country is scheduled to meet. Speaking to VOC[…]

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Tax law postponement a victory: Cosatu

The Congress of South African Trade Union (Cosatu) has expressed its satisfaction that the South African government has been forced to postpone the implementation of tax laws of the Pension Fund. Cosatu Western Cape’s Mike Louw says it is a victory and as a result it will be cancelling plans[…]

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SA Jews for Palestine to protest Peres

As the voices of discontent grows against the visit of Shimon Peres, a group of South African Jews opposed to the Israeli apartheid regime plan to stage a protest outside an event the former prime minister is expected to address. The 92 year old Israeli statesman will be in Johannesburg[…]

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UCT students lay charges against vice chancellor Max Price

A group of University of Cape Town (UCT) students and supporters of the Rhodes Must Fall movement laid charges against vice chancellor Max Price on Thursday. Western Cape police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Andre Traut confirmed that charges of assault, malicious damage to property and intimidation were laid at Rondebosch police station.[…]

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Israeli police briefly detain journalists

The Israeli police briefly detained Washington Post’s Jerusalem bureau chief William Booth and reporter Sufian Taha on Tuesday afternoon. The two journalists, who have government-issued press cards, were detained while interviewing residents of the Old City at the Damascus gate, in East Jerusalem. They were reporting on the recent wave[…]

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