asylum seekers

Greece to evict over 10,000 refugees from shelters

Over 10,000 refugees in Greece that have been granted asylum now face eviction from accommodation facilities where they are currently staying, Anadolu Agency reports. The country’s Ministry of Migration Policy plans to replace these refugees with asylum seekers on Aegean islands in an attempt to decongest camps there. These facilities[…]

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Greece to shut overcrowded refugee camps on outlying islands

Greece will shut overcrowded refugee camps on its outlying islands and replace them with more restrictive holding centers, toughening its stance toward asylum seekers. The conservative government said on Wednesday it would tighten controls at Greece’s borders and clear bottlenecks in asylum vetting procedures that have left thousands of people[…]

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Hungary votes on EU refugee quotas referendum

Hungarians on Sunday began voting on a referendum over European Union plans to relocate refugees and migrants among member states. The right-wing government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has fiercely opposed the EU plan, which seeks to share 160,000 asylum seekers around the 28-member bloc via mandatory quotas. Under the[…]

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Sweden to expel up to 80,000 refugees

Sweden intends to expel as many as 80,000 refugees and migrants who arrived in 2015 and whose applications for asylum have been rejected. “We are talking about 60,000 people, but the number could climb to 80,000,” Interior Minister Anders Ygeman was quoted as saying by Swedish media. He added on[…]

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MRSA, working to integrate refugees

With each passing day more and more people become refugees and asylum seekers, escaping from conflict and possible death in the home country. Organisations now have the task of resettling refugees in the countries in which they seek asylum. One such organisation is the Muslim Refugee Association of South Africa[…]

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