
Ecuador votes in crucial general elections

Ecuador has voted in general elections that could see the country move from the left to the right like several other South American countries in recent months. Voters cast their ballots on Sunday for 137 members of the national assembly and a new president, choosing between a candidate who intends[…]

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Ecuador earthquake: Survivors start to bury the dead

Ecuadorians started burying loved ones who died in the country’s worst earthquake for decades as hopes faded that more survivors will be found. In the small town of Montecristi, near the city of Manta, two children were among those buried on Tuesday. They were killed with their mother while buying school supplies when[…]

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Ecuadoreans show solidarity with earthquake victims

In the largest Ecuadorean city seriously hit by Saturday’s earthquake, citizens are rising in solidarity to meet the demands exerted on their country by the natural disaster. Al Jazeera went to Guayaquil’s Red Cross centre to witness the city’s efforts to deal with the humanitarian crisis. “We just set up[…]

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Ecuador earthquake: Death toll rises to 233

The death toll from Ecuador’s biggest earthquake in decades has risen to at least 233 as rescue teams raced to find survivors in shattered coastal towns. The powerful 7.8-magnitude quake struck off the Pacific coast on Saturday and was felt around the country, flattening buildings and buckling roads in several[…]

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