Islamic State

ISIL warns Hamas in video message

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group has threatened the Palestinian armed group Hamas, vowing to end the faction’s rule in the territory. In a 16-minute long video shared by social media accounts sympathetic to ISIL on Wednesday, fighters based in Syria’s Aleppo province condemned Hamas for[…]

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IS suicide bomber attacks Kuwait mosque

A suicide bomber blew himself up at a packed Shi’ite Muslim mosque in Kuwait city during Friday prayers, killing more than ten people, the governor of Kuwait City said. The Islamic State radical group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on social media and said it targeted[…]

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Kurds close in on IS-held Syria border town

Kurdish forces closed in on a strategic militant-held border town in northern Syria on Sunday, prompting an exodus of fearful civilians from surrounding villages. Backed by allied rebels and air strikes by a US-led coalition, Kurdish militia pressed their offensive on Tal Abyad, used by the Islamic State group as a[…]

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ISIL ‘controls half’ of Syria’s land area

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group has seized territory from both Syrian government forces and rival rebels over the weekend, further expanding the area it has proclaimed straddling Iraq and Syria. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the Britain-based monitoring group with sources inside the country,[…]

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SAfrican families among ISIL’s newest recruits

At least 23 South African citizens have travelled to Iraq and Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group (ISIL), raising concerns of recruitment activity among the country’s sizeable Muslim community, an Al Jazeera investigation has revealed. Various sources have confirmed with Al Jazeera that at[…]

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Saudi king vows to punish bombing suspects

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman pledged on Sunday that anyone linked to the killing of 21 minority Shiites will face justice for the “heinous crime.” Salman made the vow in a telegram to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who is also the interior minister. “Anyone taking part, planning, supporting, cooperating or sympathising[…]

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