Abe to issue WW2 anniversary remarks

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was poised on Friday to issue a statement marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, remarks that will be closely analyzed abroad to see whether he dilutes past apologies over the conflict. The legacy of the war still haunts relations with[…]

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MRN questions Desai gym ejection

The Media Review Network (MRN) has come out strongly against the conduct of Virgin Active’s Houghton branch, after well-known Palestinian activist, Mohammed Desai was ejected from the gym for donning a t-shirt deemed ‘politically inflammatory’. Desai, the national co-ordinator for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions South Africa (BDS SA) was forcibly[…]

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Accused in Baron murder withdraws bail bid

Only one of the three suspects accused of the kidnapping and murder of a Strandfontein man is continuing his application to be released on bail. Romano Jenniker and Warren Challen, two of the three men arrested for the brutal murder of 26-year-old Chad Baron, appeared before Magistrate Walter Golding in[…]

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Mandarin to be introduced in SA schools

The Department of Basic Education has confirmed Mandarin will be introduced as a subject in South African schools next year. A circular was issued by the department to national and provincial education authorities, indicating that the Chinese language will be added to the school curriculum in January 2016. Basic Education[…]

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Patel granted bail in second murder case

Limpopo businessman Rameez Patel has been granted bail of R250 000 again – in a second murder case – to enable him to “parent his children”. Magistrate Ndivhuwo Munyai said on Thursday that the court was satisfied that Patel had managed to prove compelling circumstances to have him released. Patel[…]

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Tianjin death toll up to at least 50

The massive explosions in China’s northern city of Tianjin are now known to have killed at least 50 people. More than 700 have been injured and hospitals are struggling to cope with the number of casualties. The blasts, at a warehouse storing toxic chemicals, destroyed tower blocks and burned out[…]

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Zawahiri pledges loyalty to new Taliban chief

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, in an online audio message, pledged allegiance to the new head of the Afghan Taliban in a move that could bolster his accession after the death of Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar. “We pledge our allegiance … (to the) commander of the faithful, Mullah Mohammad[…]

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