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Heroes of the Cape: Renshia Manual sustains herself through gardening

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By Loushe Jordaan Gilbert

With the ever-increasing cost of living, a mother desperate to sustain herself and her family took a leap of faith and started planting fruit and veg, which has since turned into a multi-functional business called Growbox Nursery.

Born and bred in Eerste River, Renshia Manuel, who now resides in Hanover Park said through gardening and teaching people how to sustain themselves, she is able to restore their dignity and give them back their power.

“I started Growbox out of pure desperation to feed my children and there are many parents out there who are in that position. Through Growbox I am able to give them their power back. My business teaches them how to grow produce, sell it and actually make a living out of it so that they don’t have to ever be in a position that I found myself in so many years ago,” she said.

Manuel said that the biggest challenge she had when starting her company was not having a cent to her name, the only thing she had was a dream.

“I had no income or savings when I started Growbox, all I had was a love for plants and gardening and I knew what the end goal was, but other than that I had nothing. Determination and the will to make something out of nothing was what helped me get where I am today. I had absolutely nothing else, but my children depending on me to make sure that we are okay,” she stressed.

When asked what the most satisfying part of her job is, Manual laughed and said sharing her love for plants was the best part of what she does but what makes it satisfying is using her gift to uplift others.

“Imagine being able to do what you love every day and sharing that with others, full well knowing that it benefits their liveliness. I know what it’s like to be hungry and not know where the next meal comes from, I’m helping prevent others from ever having to experience that, and that is a blessing in itself,” she stressed.

Manuel said that through her company she can explore and travel, which is one of the things she loves doing.

“I love a lazy Sunday, chilling and watching a good movie, but what I love most is traveling and getting lost in new places and because of Growbox, I get to do that often,” she giggled.

When asked what is the one thing that keeps her motivated, Manual said her children are the ones who make her want to do and be better daily.

“I want to leave behind a legacy for them. I work so hard to make sure that we have a bright future, even though I don’t know what the future holds. I am nothing without my children and they are honestly the ones keeping me grounded, she added.

Manuel said above all, she would like to encourage the youth to empower themselves and always try to find innovative ways to better themselves.

“Opportunities are everywhere, you just have to know how to seize them. Never give up trying and even if you fail, continue trying because the only time you really fail is once you quit. Set short- and long-term goals for yourself and work towards achieving them, even if you have to ask people for help, don’t hesitate,” she concluded.

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