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Over R830 million set aside for CT water infrastructure maintenance

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By Ragheema Mclean

Nearly R840 million has been set aside by the City of Cape Town for infrastructure maintenance and pipe replacements across the City this year.

The City’s Water and Sanitation directorate revealed on Monday that it is preparing the rollout of phase three of a 1 300-metre water pipe replacement project in Plumstead.

The city announced:

“As part of the Mayor’s Priority Programme (MPP), the Water and Sanitation Directorate has expanded its Water and Sewer Pipe Replacement Programme and set aside R836,6 million for infrastructure maintenance and pipe replacements for the 2023/2024 financial year.”

Speaking on VOC Breakfast, Mayco Member for Water and Sanitation, Zahid Badroodien said the city was using new pipe-cracking technology for the project, which would be used throughout Cape Town.

He stressed:

“These replacements is another component of this pipe replacement and over time will reduce the inconvenience experienced by residents by lessening the number of pipe bursts that the community experiences.”

Furthermore, Badroodien highlighted the importance of the project saying it will ensure that the city can maintain infrastructure to prevent future water shortages and inconveniences.

“Pipes across our city are at various ages and in some communities more than others experience ongoing pipe bursts because of the age of the infrastructure, the material of the pipes etc.”

He noted that the programme is crucial part of the City’s water demand management.

“This includes looking at the meters, making sure we have pressure regulators and also educating the public,” he adds.

Regarding provisions made to ensure that residents have water during planned maintenance, Badroodien said residents are advised to store water in advance.

However, he noted that should the water be off for a longer period than scheduled, the city will assist and provide water tankers for residents to collect water.

Badroodien urged residents to contact his department or him directly should they have any concerns or queries that need to be addressed.

“My number is always available, and they can contact me should they need any assistance.”

VOC News

Photo: CityofCapeTown/Facebook

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