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Parents role in a child’s education

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By Lee-Yandra Paulsen

The role of parents and guardians in their children’s education is crucial for their overall development and academic success. However, many parents face challenges in fulfilling this role due to various reasons such as time constraints and a lack of knowledge about modern school curricular.

To ensure children’s educational journey is supported, it is essential for parents to show genuine interest in their child’s school activities and engage with the school. Even being available and providing support in any capacity can make a significant difference.

“We sort of see the pillars of good education as a triangle and that is the parent, the child, and the school. There needs to be open communication across these three, to ensure children get the best opportunity to thrive,” said Desiree Hugo, Academic Head at ADvTECH Schools

While work commitments may prevent parents from being physically present at school events, acknowledging their child’s involvement and attending some events whenever possible can make a difference. Having conversations with children at the end of the school day, asking engaging questions, and actively listening, allows parents to understand when their child is happy at school or facing challenges.

Hugo said that in case of any concerns or challenges, parents should reach out to the appropriate contacts at the school according to its communication policy. Starting a dialogue with the class teacher, head of department, and then the principal ensures parents receive accurate information from the right source, rather than discussing matters in parking lots. Additionally, parents should avoid speaking negatively about the school in front of their children. Setting goals together, such as aiming for a bachelor’s pass, and working collaboratively with the school contribute to a child’s success.

When parents actively participate in their child’s education and maintain open lines of communication with the school, parents can support their children’s academic journey and overall growth.

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