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Seven more Kramats set for National Heritage status

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By Aneeqa du Plessis
With September marking Heritage month, the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) has invited the public’s comment on designating seven additional Kramats in Cape Town and Muizenberg as National Heritage Sites.
Speaking on VOC’s Drive Time show on Wednesday afternoon, PRO for the Cape Mazaar Society Advocate Yusuf Khan Dalwai encouraged the Muslim community to submit their comments within the 60 day public participation process.
“In 2021 the first batch of kramats were graded and granted heritage status, Alhamdullilah. We are currently in the 60-day public partipcation process for the second batch which is a list of seven karamats,” explained Dalwai.
1. Sayed Abdul Aziz in Muizenberg
2. Sayed Jaffer Oude Kraal in Camps Bay
3. Sheikh Ali Sayed Bassier in Camps Bay
4. Sayed Abdul Malik in Oranjezicht
5. Sayed Abdul Haq in Vredehoek
6. Shaykh Hazrat Khwaja Sayed Ali Shah in Maitland Cemetery
7. Sheikh Abdul Kader in Table Mountain
Kramats are sacred burial sites of revered Muslim saints (Auwliyah). These sites play a significant part in the religious and cultural history of the local community.
Comments or objections can be made at
Photo: Sayed Ridhwaan | Hijazi Channel

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