
Samekom rejects deployment of army in Manenberg

Despite widespread calls for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to be deployed into gang-infested areas, it seems the official arrival of the army has been met with mixed reaction. After a week of uncertainty as to when the army would be sent to the Cape Flats, there was[…]

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ANC not impressed with State of the Province Address

ANC shadow Community Safety MEC in the Western Cape, Mesuli Kama is not impressed with the State of the Province Address delivered by Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde yesterday. Kama has stated that Winde “is not serious about crime,” has “betrayed the people” and that the DA is continuing to[…]

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First SANDF troops seen entering the Cape Flats

The first troops of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) have finally landed in the Cape Flats – with members of the army seen entering the suburb of Manenberg on Thursday. Videos on social media show SANDF vehicles riding through Manenberg roads in Cape Town, while other pictures show[…]

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School vandalism and burglary draining WCED budget

With the evergrowing crime rate in the Western Cape not even schools are safe from vandalism and burglary. Shocking figures reflect that there has been a drastic increase in the amount of school burglary and vandalism cases from January to June last year in comparison to this year. Minister of[…]

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Cape Flats blitz nets over 143 suspects in one weekend

A National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NatJOINTS) operation since the early hours of Thursday morning in the Philippi, Steenberg, and Delft areas in Cape Town have yielded significant successes, the South African Police Service (SAPS) said. “During the NatJOINTS multi-disciplinary integrated high density operations 143 suspects have been arrested[…]

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SANDF says Cele gave too much away: report

Police Minister Bheki Cele should not have announced when the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was coming in to support the South African Police Services (SAPS) in the gang-infested areas of Cape Town. According to Netwerk24, this was the sentiment of SANDF spokesperson Brigadier General Mafi Mgobozi, who told[…]

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