Manenberg Community Policing Forum

Three arrested for the murder of Manenberg mother

Two people were arrested on Thursday after a female bystander was fatally wounded during an alleged gang shooting. A graphic video of the incident has since circulated on social media. The ongoing shooting and violence in Manenberg has sparked concern amongst residents who have once again called for additional policing[…]

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Manenberg street committees in action

The Manenberg Community Policing Forum has discharged street committees to mobilize within the precinct in a bid for the community to take back the streets from gang warfare. The policing forum says that their number one priority is to turn these roads into a safe haven for youths as gang[…]

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Manenberg: Language Barrier a problem for crime

There have been numerous reports of Manenberg residence being unsatisfied with the service they are receiving from SAPS officials in the area, allegedly due to the language barrier. Most of the people who live in the Manenberg community are Afrikaans speaking and are therefore unable to effectively communicate with Xhosa[…]

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Popcru wants white cops in Manenberg

Following allegations by an anti-crime body that racism is hampering policing, a police union says white cops should be deployed to Manenberg police station. On Thursday, the Daily Voice reported that Manenberg Community Policing Forum (CPF) chairman Kader Jacobs believes the predominantly coloured community has rejected black cops in the[…]

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