Patients explain concerns around Covid-19 screening

At the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak Wuhan, China the pandemic Covid-19 is slowing down but in South Africa, it has started gaining momentum. Today, the health department announced that there were 150 cases of Covid-19 nationally, since the first diagnosis under two weeks ago. As the virus picks up[…]

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‘Social distancing’ explained

Globally governments around the world are responding to the covid-19 pandemic, and social distancing is a core facet to limit the spread of the virus. Social distancing can be defined as a set of nonpharmaceutical infection control actions intended to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease.[…]

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Senior journalist ‘sexually abused boys over decades’

Another former senior Media24 journalist has been accused of sexually abusing boys while he held senior positions in the media. News24 is in the possession of three affidavits from men who accuse 80-year-old Coenie Slabber, a well-known former arts editor who worked at Sunday newspaper Rapport between the 1970s and[…]

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