‘Self-isolation is a luxury’: Hangberg

It seemed as though it was just a conventional day in Hangberg, a community in Houtbay that sits nestled between the ocean and the mountain, on day seven of the national lockdown. Home to a vibrant fishing community as colourful as one would expect, Hangberg is somewhat a forgotten village,[…]

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Bo-Kaap sees its first positive Covid-19 case

73-year-old Mogamat Salie has become the first Bo-Kaap resident to be infected with the coronavirus.  The Salie family have advised residents who has come into contact with their father to take the necessary precautions after he tested positive for Covid-19. The family released a statement via the Bo-Kaap Covid-19 Response[…]

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Spain records highest jump in coronavirus deaths

Spain has reported 849 new deaths from the coronavirus, the highest overnight jump since the start of the epidemic, bringing the total number of fatalities in the southern European country to 8,189. In the United States, further restrictions on movement are being considered to curb the spread of the virus,[…]

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