
Metrorail delays commuters for three hours

Train commuters travelling from Mitchell’s Plain into the Cape Town CBD say they have given up on the service. Commuters this morning experienced delays of up to three hours and were forced to take other modes of transport. A delegation from the DA, including Western Cape Minister of Community Safety,[…]

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UN body slams Saudi Arabia for deadly Yemen attacks

The United Nations body has called on Saudi Arabia to immediately halt its deadly airstrikes against civilians in war-torn Yemen and prosecute officials responsible for child casualties due to unlawful attacks. The statement by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on Thursday also said the investigative mechanism[…]

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Govt considering price ceiling for unleaded petrol

Government is considering fixing a maximum price for unleaded fuel to cushion the country from escalating prices, Energy Minister Jeff Radebe said on Thursday. “Government is deeply concerned by the rising cost of petrol in South Africa which is largely caused by the rand dollar exchange rate, and the price[…]

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